
Welcome to How to Create Affiliate Marketing. We are so excited you are able to join us. We hope you will enjoy all the little strategies and tips we have for you to learn how to grow and expand your business. I am going to share with you ways you can make money as an affiliate marketer and how to turn it into a passive income for yourself and your family.

I enjoy helping people. I want to help you realize your true potential. During this pandemic, I realized how I can help people to make money through affiliate marketing. If you have access to the internet and a laptop, computer, or tablet you can become an affiliate marketer, too.

My Story

Hi. My name is Viki. I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. My story started the day I took an online course for graphic design & web design. I was very much interested in learning how to make a website, read code, and learn to make some money for myself. I am pretty sure this was the start of my wanting to be in business for myself, but not by myself. And I wanted to Dream Big.

I’ve read some books and articles, watched a ton of YouTube and Facebook videos, inquired about a bunch of different programs, but have not invested time and money into anything promising. Until now.

My story started out about 5 years ago when I started working with a group of people who wanted to help others find and create a passive income for themselves and their families. This group would meet once a week and discuss ways to promote themselves and strategic with each other to find simple and effective formulas to generate a passive income.

They were everyday people who were working their normal 9-5 jobs and meeting up once every week to better their lives. They were people from all walks of life.

There were attorneys, a nurse, mothers of small children, a restaurant owner, a couple of entrepreneurs, students, a couple of teachers, and my family. My family consisted of myself, a pharmacy technician, and a fire prevention supervisor.

One thing we learned from them was having a “why” so strong you would do anything in the world for it. And we discovered, people who had a “why”, in its simplest form, succeeded the most. They were able to reach out and touch the tangible things mere mortals dream about. So…

I thought about my “why” and how I wanted to help people in my respective niche.

My WhyHonolulu, Hawaii by David Mark

My family and friends have always been supportive of what we wanted to do to better ourselves and those who we come across. Our decision to start this website came with much thought and support from my family, friends, and my spouse.

I have always been intrigued with the internet and how it can span across oceans and continents and bridge people together. I want to be able to help myself and others to build a business with affiliate marketing. I began a blog about a year ago so I can learn how to make money with affiliate marketing.

Why Affiliate Marketing, you ask? Well, if you think about it, it can be a passive income for myself and others. It can grow over time and it is something I enjoy doing. Being able to write about my experiences and maybe help someone who is in the same situation.

It will make me do something I am not comfortable doing. Having to be vulnerable to others, like YouTube or being in the spotlight, is new to me. I am comfortable writing in the background, sharing what I think or say as anonymous as an introvert. But opening up and helping others along the way…priceless.

I also started doing something about my online presence about a year ago which includes affiliate marketing. After reading and re-reading about programs and communities which help people to generate a business in affiliate marketing, I decided to take the plunge and create affiliate marketing for myself.

I work with a reputable company that has shown and helped me get to where I am today. I have confidence in myself and those I have helped up to this point and will continue to do so. I love how they have continued to help me create a passive income for myself and shown me ways to help others do the same.

Wealthy Affiliate has been in business for over 16 years and has helped over 1.5M internet Entrepreneurs achieve their goal of becoming successful leaders in their respective niches. They have over 750+ training updates every year, and a superb management team with over 20+ team leaders who help around the clock to ensure your success.

I hope…

You will take a serious look at your life and the choices you made to get thus far. I hope you realize you can do anything you set your mind to do. If you have a “why” so personal and powerful, it will make you want to complete your tasks and you too can reach your goals.

The way I see it is, I can either continue to work for a company or other people who tell me what to do while I work there. When and how long I can take a break or eat lunch. Work with some people who are not looking for MY best interest, while they smile at my face. Choose a vacation week and hope I am getting paid for it. Wake up too early or go to sleep early in the morning then wake up again in an hour.

OR work part-time or in my leisure time for myself and create a passive income while learning about products, strategies, and tips to better my website. Learning from people who actually have your best interest at heart. Ask or search questions from the platform or community and get answers relevant to your questions.

I will eventually make this my full-time, all-the-time career. I mean I would love to stay home and take all the experiences I have learned thus far and use them to promote myself and make money while I sleep!

Don’t Just Think About It…

Do It!! Dream Big!!

~ Viki

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