Have you ever thought about starting a home-based business but didn’t know where to start? What’s the start-up cost? What type of business do you want to do? Can I start a home business while I am currently working a full-time or part-time job? In this technological age, all these questions are possible due to the i-commerce

If you have a computer or a laptop and internet connection you are in luck. There are many types of home businesses you can start with little or no money. Are looking for a better lifestyle with more flexibility, Or looking to become your own boss? Here is a list of possibilities for you to start. Good Luck!!

Here is a list of some ideas for you to try

Online Seller

There is a way for you to sell your unused or unwanted possessions, or items collecting dust or taking up space in your closets? Businesses like eBay, Craigslist, and Letgo lets the user sell their stuff for a little or no money down. And with a global audience, you be able to sell your products to a wider demographic. Your products come straight from your warehouse to the website

The advantage of being an online seller is anyone can become an online seller. Amazon has Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA). So you send your space collecting inventory to Amazon and they will pick, pack, and ship your products to your customers whenever an order is a place.


Event Coordinator

In light of the fact the entire world is going through this pandemic, being an event coordinator in this place in time might be easier than you think. Trying to \plan a special occasion or event for yourself or your loved ones may be stressful. If you are detail-oriented and love the challenge of bringing people together from all parts of the world. This may be your dream job.

Some traits needed for this position are Being Highly Organized, Personable, Extremely Creative, Listening Attentively, Multitask, and having Excellent Communication Skills. These 6 simple skills will help when negotiating with vendors, staff, venues, prospective clients, and guests to ensure your function goes smoothly.



Do you love writing about anything and everything from how your day was on any particular day?  To scribbling in a notebook or laptop about the experience you had while shopping at the local shopping center? Then blogging or being a blogger may be a good fit for you. A blog is an informal discussion on a website that is published on the world wide web in the form of a diary-style or post.

The main job of a blogger is to write content, for articles, for your audience or readers. This educates your audience to learn more about you and helps build trust with them. Once trust is established, you can generate an income by publishing ebooks and online courses, writing blog ads, and/ or becoming a consultant or selling your freelance services.


Affiliate Marketer

Can you master the art of writing content about a product, service, or business in extreme detail highlighting the companies advantages and disadvantages well enough to generate a sale or compensation from a third party? Then this is your ideal career?

Companies pay Affiliate Marketers to send traffics to their websites in hopes of getting a sale. You would recommend or suggest a product or service to your audience in your blog, email, or website. Your audience would click on the link to your affiliate site using the affiliate link. You would be compensated by the company once a sale is made using your affiliate link.

There are many platforms where you can learn how to become an Affiliate Marketer for little or no cost depending on what you are looking for.



Are you comfortable being in the limelight? With your camera phone is one hand posting a selfie with the beautiful majestic scenery in the background. Or are you the one making sure the camera angles and lighting are just in the right place and showing off your best side? Scripting and re-scripting your speaking parts with music and downloading your video to the web.

YouTube is a free video or entertainment dais where users can upload recorded films online to share with their followers or audience. If you have a niche you want to share or create a little income anyone from fitness instructors, singers, musicians, dancers, craters, and so on can.

Advertisements through AdSense, sponsorship and affiliate links generate income in the form of views. Anywhere from $0.01 to $0.03 per view or $3 to $5 per 1000 view or $5,000 per 1,000,000 views. Only after placing ads and views on your channel will you be paid $100 or more.


Rideshare Driver

Do you want to be paid for taking someone to the store or picking up a client at the office? Rideshare Drivers, also known as Uber or Lyft drivers are able to schedule their vacations, workdays, and time off whenever they need


it. Uber Drivers offer a safe ride home or to the airport by a multi-step screened driver. They also provide restaurant or take-out delivery services to their clients.

Drivers are Independent contractors who must pass some steps before officially becoming a driver. The simple steps are making sure you meet the driver requirements. Make sure your vehicle meets the requirements. Make sure you have you required documents to apply for an application. Apply for the application and wait to be approved.

The average amount of money a driver can make is roughly $500 per day. Prices may vary according to day and times of day, and demographics.



As we move into the new year there are so many types of home-based businesses available to those who are willing to get out there and make a little extra income for themselves. Make sure you lead with your strengths and avoid dead-end ones. Talk or text with others who are already doing your dream job so you can find out the pros and cons of the job. And lastly, do what makes you happy. There are endless possibilities.

What are some ideas you’ve tried to help make money? Leave a comment below.

By admin

2 thoughts on “What is the Best Home Based Business to start?”
  1. I have wanted to open a YouTube channel for a long time. But it can be quite intimidating. I am certainly comfortable being in the limelight. But when I research about the topic, people talk about the algorithm and being demonetized and all sort of stuff that sound a bit too tech-saavy. 

    1. Hello Ann,

      I say just take a chance and go for it!!

      I know several people who took a chance and are doing very well in their decided niche. Being able to do something you love, and being able to share it with the world no matter what the outcome, can be overwhelming. But without risk, you will NEVER know how successful or how good you really are without taking that first step.

      It won’t happen overnight, but with a lot of hard work and dedication, you can do anything.

      My favorite YouTuber is Emmymade. She started her channel in 2010 while living in Japan. I heard she started it because she was homesick and she would make videos of the food her audience sent her. She would critic the taste, smell, and texture. Now after 11 years in the business, she has over 353K followers who love her 1,517 video posts about food she loves to eat, make, and critic. 

      Dream Big!

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