If you are reading this, I’m guessing you have some interest in what a blogger is? And maybe how it to make some money if it’s feasible.

How much money can be made as a blogger? Do companies pay bloggers to blog about their products?

The answer to these questions can be answered here. We are a new blogger, and we were able to find these were the most asked questions on Google. We hope to answer some questions you may have.


What is a blogger?

A blogger is a person who regularly writes material for a blog.


What is a blog?

A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the world wide web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries.

It is an informal site or journal on the internet in reverse order.

A place to share your thoughts along with your passion for anything, and everything. It is usually decided by the blogger.


What do bloggers blog about?

There is an infinite number of things, places, services, and ideas people can blog about. You can blog about your hobbies, things you are good at, things you are interested in. Or something you may want to learn or may be interested in learning more about.

For instance, if you are interested in cars, you could blog about a sports car or a truck, or a motorcycle. What are their features? What years are car collectors interested in?

You can blog about work, if you are in a career you enjoy, you could blog about how your career is beneficial or how someone interested in this type of work could become one.

An example would be if you are a certified pharmacy technician, you could explain your steps to becoming certified. The steps needed to become certified. Which states require which certifications?

You could blog about the state or country you live in, or services provided by your state, what your state is known for, or something you do which ties into where you are from and why it’s interesting to you or can be to others.

Such as, if you are a hula dancer from a halau in Japan; and would like to offer your services to others, or teach them how to dance the hula, you could blog about the hula.

Or if you are a Kumu hula and would like to expand your business, you could blog about your halau, your style of dance and provide information so people could get in touch with you.

You could use this same concept for almost any type of service or business, and blog about what you could provide or offer to your audience.


How do you make money blogging?

There are several different options you can do to make money blogging. I have gathered my top 7 ways you can make money as a blogger.

  • Online Courses and Workshops
  • Books and eBooks
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Advertising Price Model
  • Email Marketing
  • Selling Freelance Services
  • Social Media Strategies


1. Online Courses and Workshops

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we make money by learning through our online courses and workshops which teach us about different types of marketing strategies as an affiliate or a blogger or whatever category you are interested in.

Information from our Training Head Quarters, Classrooms, and Research Tools, Jaaxy, and Affiliate Networks help members and the community to learn and use this information towards their websites.


2. Book and eBooks

The difference between an eBook and a book is an eBook is an electronic form of a book that can be read on a computer, mobile device, or handheld device rather than in print.

Within our platform, there is an infinite number of community members who have contributed to the success of what an eBook is, how to create one, and publish one with KDP.


3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is an arrangement by an online retailer to pay commission to an external website for traffic or sales, generated from referrals, it brings to the online retailer.

Depending on who the affiliate program or network you are working for each one has a different commission rate. The average commission rate should be between 5% to 30% depending on the niche or category you are promoting.


4. Advertising Price Model

There are 4 major types of advertising used with blogs. They are CPC, CPM, CPA, and Fixed-Rate. When deciding which one to use or if you are able to use all of them, here is a quick breakdown depending on your audience, engagement, and how it relates to your own business.

CPC means “cost per click” every time your ad is clicked you earn a commission. It is the most popular pricing model for those bloggers whose audiences are highly engaged.

CPM means “cost per mile” for every thousand impressions (views). This type is usually good for those bloggers who have a large audience and are looking to bring brand awareness.

CPA means “cost per acquisition” every visitor must click the ad AND sign up or make a purchase. Most skilled affiliates love this hard sell because of the larger commissions.

Fixed-Rate means a fixed rate or flat rate is a chance you take whether the ad does well or poorly. With little room for advancement with the advertisement.


5. Email Marketing

This is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. A website visitor lands on your page and reads your post. You ask people to join your mailing list in exchange for something i.e.: newsletter, software, eBook, or guide.

They agree to share with you their email address and name you. Now you gave their permission to offer information, promotions, and marketing strategies…forever.

As long as, you keep in good standings with them, you now have the opportunity to connect with them over and over again.


6. Selling Freelance Services

Being a freelancer, you could work for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company. There are many types of work you can do as a freelancer.

Here are some to name a few freelance jobs you may consider. A copywriter or content writer must have great writing skills and creativity for storytelling.

As Freelance Photographer you could set up a studio in your garage or set up ahead. You could also visit websites that offer photography jobs online which pairs you with locals within the area.


7. Social Media Strategies

When you tweet on Twitter, comment on YouTube, hashtag on Instagram, and post on Facebook, you are just simply leaving comments.

Influencers comment and leave messages to their followers. They build a connection with them that makes people want to share their thoughts and comments with them.

You could also make comments to show your expertise or forward a message to a potential client. You could generate between 1-3 paying customers from posting a comment.


In Conclusion

Being a blogger has many positive aspects from going into business for yourself, marketing or advertising yourself as a blogger or freelance writer.

You build a relationship with others using Zoom or Google Teams to help those looking for what you have to offer or direct them to what they are looking for.

With how the economy is these days, you can still be in business for yourself, just not by yourself. There is a whole world out there waiting to connect with you.

By Viki

2 thoughts on “How to Make Money Through Blogging?”
  1. This article takes me back to my blogging days in the early 2000s when I built my freelance writing business from scratch and used my blog to generate engagement and traffic. It feels like a different lifetime. And here we are again, with WA. Nice to meet a fellow WA aficionado Viki. 

    1. Hi Monika, Great to see you again. I would love to read your freelance writing blog. I know there would be so much information we could learn from each other, and maybe collaborate someday. 

      Thank you for your comments and for taking the time to read my articles. I wish you much success!

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