Can you imagine the number of people who use Facebook daily, monthly, yearly? Now try to picture how many times those people view or scroll through Facebook a day; is it two times, three times, six times a day?

I want to share with you how to make money online using Facebook in 10 simple and easy ways.

There are over 1 billion people who have accounts on Facebook and over ten million people who visit it every single day.

Did you know there is a right and a wrong way to use Facebook to your advantage? When you do it correctly you can gain exposure, leads, and sales. But when done incorrectly you will end up losing money, wasting time, and possibly damaging your reputation.

1.  Memes

Have you ever received a good meme and just had to tag or send it out to a couple of your friends. I know I do. Try implementing some of your own “viral” memes for your business. Make sure to add your website and watch your traffic grow.

Action Steps:

= Download a meme making app on your mobile device from the Apps Store

= Make your website URL is BOLD text on each meme

= Share your meme on Facebook.

= The max file size of the meme must be 25MB. The supported file format is JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, and TIFF.
= Share your status on your page and with your friends.

2. Private Message

You can promote your business and get more leads when you private message a couple of friends or new friends a day. Do not spam your message to people, they may just block or unfriend you. Instead, make it a habit to add a new friend a day and private message them with a Hello or introduce yourself. Make the message about them, be engaging, and slowly build the know, like, and trust factor.

Action Steps:

= Private message three people a day just to say hello or ask if they need your help with anything.

= Share your promotions or specials through private messaging

= Ask your person if they are interested in receiving messages or updates from you in the future.

3. Friends of a Friend

This is one of the hidden gems of Facebook that very few people use to find more leads and grow your traffic. If you have roughly 300 friends, and any one of your friends also has roughly 300 friends, then potentially that is about 90,000 potential prospects for your business. And the common interest would be your friend when you reach out to them.

Action Steps:

= Pick two or three of your friends on Facebook and check out their Facebook friends

= Select two or three people who may be a good fit for your business, service, or product and private message them individually


4. Join Other Groups

Join other groups that have the same interest or are a part of your targeted audience. Do not spam messages, as you may be blocked or forced to leave the group. Focus on getting to know others in the group and providing positivity to the group. Build relationships, send friend requests, and take the friendship offline or face to face as soon as possible.

Action Steps:

= Join two or three groups in your niche

= Participate in the group at least for one week to provide value, answer questions, and offer help

= After one week send out friend requests to active people who might be a good fit for your niche


5. Start Your Own Group

You could start your own group if you are having trouble finding a group to join or have a ton of information or could provide valuable content to others. Your group could provide videos, articles, tips for success, and mention the products your sell or promotional offers from time to time.

Action Steps:

= Join three popular groups in your niche, to see how they operate

= start your own Facebook Group and build your audience


6. Promote Your Bio

Maybe this should have been the first thing you do, but it is never too late to start. Make sure your Bio and Profile Picture is current and updated. Make sure the profile picture is of your face and is centered, and clear. And your bio provides past work experience, education, and a good positive image of yourself.

Action Steps:

= Visit the page of several influencers on Facebook to see what they’ve done

= Update your bio, photo, links, etc.

= Ensure your profile is visible to everyone. Update your privacy settings.


7. Create a Fan Page

Create a FAN page for your business by providing valuable content and offering help. Your focus is to find more fans, stay engaged, and update your page a few times a day. This will help boost your engagement, build relationships, and grow your audience.

Action Steps:

= Create your own Facebook Fan page for your business

= Write a good description, add your photo, provide links, etc.

= Invite your current, former, and new customers to become a fan

= Publish a sponsored listing to promote your fan page


8. Sponsored Ad Listing

A Sponsored Ad is a cost-efficient way to make new marketing ideas. This will help get you leads and sales by using a sponsored ad. You can also use it to find out what your prospects want to buy. It can also be used to target your advertising to a specific niche.

Action Steps:

= Boost a post and watch the engagement

= Conduct a $20 experiment with your first Facebook Ad

= Split-test two different sponsored ads to see which one performs better

= Study the ads your competitors publish and do what they do


9. Facebook LIVE

People love watching videos, even more than reading words. I know I do. It takes literally two minutes to press play watch a video. Well, you can publish your “live” videos and stream to your followers. You can create videos about your products and services, and how they will be beneficial to others.

Be sure to keep your videos short and simple and stay on topic. Have a strong call to action at the end of each video. Be engaging!

Action Steps:

= Check out what your competitors are doing

= take notes from some of your favorite Facebook Live videos you enjoy watching and write down what you liked and learned from each video

= Do your First Facebook Live

= Always ask for feedback or comments from your audience and trusted peers to help better your videos and grow your audience

10. Have Random Contests

Everyone loves some friendly competition. Consider doing something to engage your audience with a reward at the end of the week on a post. For instance, please like, share, and comment about “what do you eat white rice with” and a random winner will be selected at the end of the week and will win a free $5 Target gift card.

Sometimes you get more visibility from a contest than from a sponsored listing.

Action Steps:

= Set up your first contest

= Evaluate your competitors or others in your niche to see how they get sales and leads


My Thoughts

You can combine some or all these simple tips to generate traffic and sales to your website. I suggest sticking to a couple of tips first and once you can master them, then adding in one or two more.

It will take a lot of hard work and time to get to where you want to go with your business, but once you have accomplished these necessary steps you will soon be headed in the right direction.

If you are still having trouble trying to find your way in your niche and want to know more about this topic and others I have written about, click on this link to learn more.

Leave a comment on what you thought about my 10 simple tips or leave a comment on what your top 3 tips are.

See you soon,

By Viki

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